HD Video Downloader allows you to download a streaming video from various websites for free. It’s the easiest and quickest way to download your favorite videos!
+ How to use?
1. Go to the website and play video from built-in browser.
2. Play the video or tap the download button. (It will be added in download queue.)
Note: You can check a thumbnail, video length, and the quality before you start downloading.
+ Please Note
HD Video Downloader does NOT support downloading a content from Youtube and illegal or adult websites. If the website doesn’t allow you to download a video, please find other website.
Download location: Videos will be saved in the following location: sdcard/HDV Downloader
Simple and well-designed interface allows you to watch and share downloaded videos.
+ Contact
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will reply you as soon as possible.
+ Respect Copyright
HD Video Downloader is not responsible for unauthorized downloads and use of copyrighted content. Please check whether or not the content is protected by copyright laws from each sites.
HD Video Downloader可让您从各种网站免费下载流式视频。这是下载您喜欢的视频的最简单,最快的方法!
2.播放视频或点击下载按钮。 (它将添加到下载队列中。)
HD Video Downloader不支持从Youtube和非法或成人网站下载内容。如果该网站不允许您下载视频,请找到其他网站。
下载位置:视频将保存在以下位置:sdcard / HDV Downloader
HD Video Downloader对未经授权的下载和使用受版权保护的内容概不负责。请检查每个站点的内容是否受版权法保护。